Reasons to Transfer to a Fashion College

If you're passionate about fashion, transferring to a fashion college in New York City can provide you with unparalleled opportunities and resources tailored to your interests.


An LIM student wearing a large white tote bag opens the door to enter a building

Deciding to transfer colleges is a significant decision that can profoundly impact your academic and professional future. 

As one of the colleges on Phi Theta Kappa's 2024 Transfer Honor Roll, and with approximately 1/3 of our undergraduate student body coming to us as transfer students, LIM knows how to support transfer student success and make your academic transition seamless.

Here are some of the best reasons to consider making the move to a college that focuses on fashion. 

1. Focused Study Area

Specialized colleges offer a curriculum specifically designed to prepare you for your chosen field. Whether you're interested in fashion, engineering, or any other specialized discipline, this type of institution provides a concentrated education that general universities often cannot match.

For example, if you want to work in fashion after you graduate, transferring to one of the best fashion schools or the best fashion merchandising programs will allow you to dive deep into industry-specific courses, equipping you with knowledge and skills that are directly relevant to your future career.

2. Faculty Working in the Field

One of the most compelling reasons to transfer to a college that specializes in fashion is the opportunity to learn from faculty who are not only academics, but also practitioners in the fashion industry. These professors bring real-world experience and industry connections that can enrich your education. Their firsthand knowledge and insights can provide you with a more practical and informed perspective, offering guidance that is both current and highly relevant.

3. Internship Opportunities

Specialized fashion colleges often have strong ties to industry, providing students with excellent internship opportunities. LIM is especially strong in this regard when it comes to fashion internships, which are a required element of all our fashion degree programs.

Internships are crucial for gaining hands-on experience and making valuable professional connections. For instance, attending one of the best fashion marketing programs can open doors to internships at top fashion brands and marketing firms, giving you a significant edge in entering the workforce.

4. Location

Location matters, especially when it comes to the fashion business. LIM College is situated in the center of the global industry hub in New York City, allowing you to immerse yourself in an unparalleled professional environment.

Being in the right location can provide you with additional networking opportunities, access to industry events, and exposure to the latest trends and innovations. If you're aiming for a career in fashion, being in a city like New York can make a world of difference.

5. Corporate and Industry Partnerships

Fashion colleges frequently collaborate with industry leaders and corporations, offering students unique opportunities for projects, mentorships, and future employment. These partnerships can provide you with insights into the industry's inner workings and help you build a professional network before you even graduate. By transferring to a school like LIM College with longstanding fashion industry connections, you’re strategically positioning yourself for future career success.

6. Like-Minded Peers and Classmates

Attending a fashion college means surrounding yourself with peers who share your passion and ambition for the industry. This environment fosters collaboration, innovation, and support. Your classmates will often be just as driven and focused as you are, providing a stimulating and motivating atmosphere. These connections can lead to lifelong friendships and professional relationships that will support your career growth down the line.

The Bottom Line

Transferring to a college like LIM that specializes in fashion can be a game-changer, offering you a more focused education, expert faculty, industry internships, an ideal location, strong industry partnerships, and like-minded peers.

If you take advantage of all that’s available to you, these benefits can collectively pave the way for a successful and fulfilling career in the fashion business.

Start your journey toward an education that aligns with your professional passion and career goals. Get more information about transferring to LIM College and receive a custom transfer credit evaluation!