Louise Evins is the CEO of EVINS Communications, a branding agency that focuses on marketing, PR, brand building, and more. She has been involved with LIM for the better part of a decade, regularly attending career events and guest speaking in classes. In addition to being a mentor in the Fashion Scholars honors program and serving on the College’s Fashion Industry Advisory Board, Ms. Evins has hired LIM interns and alumni whose interests extend beyond the fashion industry.

How would you describe LIM's reputation in the fashion and business world?

LIM is well known within the fashion community. Those who know LIM know about their amazing internship program. A huge opportunity exists, though, to familiarize those in the larger business community with how broad and relevant LIM’s programs are. Many students with whom I have worked are not necessarily interested in just fashion specific opportunities but are interested in exploring careers in other related industries.

How does LIM prepare students for the professional world?

LIM’s curriculum is updated on an ongoing basis to meet the current needs of the industry. I think the College is doing a good job of staying and becoming more relevant as the retail industry goes through a time of change. The greatest impact I see is the power of the internship program, which enlightens students about career choices and helps them integrate into the workforce. It truly gives students solid knowledge of what it means to have a career and not just a job.

Why is it important for college students to complete internships?

Before committing long-term to a professional path, internships let the student experience company culture, management styles, and advancement opportunities, so they can decide on the best path for them. They learn how a business really works.

Tell us about the LIM interns who have been at your company. What do they do?

All our interns come into a training environment. Each is given a mentor from the division to which they’ve been assigned. They’re taught the basic programs our agency uses as well as basics tools for the communications industry. They develop at their own pace with their team and are involved in research, writing, pitching, and team leadership. Most of the LIM interns I’ve had are diligent and hungry to learn. I like working with LIM students because they’re focused, understand business, and are aggressive about being hired at the end of the process.

Can you describe a particular positive experience you had with an LIM intern?

Marleigh Sizemore (’19) approached me at LIM’s Dream Dinner last spring. She made a point of sitting at my table and told me about her interest in our agency. I told her she would have to go through the summer internship program and then she’d be eligible to be hired. She did exactly that and was hired as an Account Coordinator this past August. She has become an invaluable member of our digital team, and I am thrilled that we can advance and support her long term career goals.

What is involved in being a mentor in LIM’s Fashion Scholars program?

I’ve had the chance to work with many students, including some who do not necessarily want go into the fashion industry. I’ve helped them with career planning, goal setting, as well as interviews and job opportunities. It is extremely rewarding, and I highly recommend becoming involved.