Annual Security & Fire Safety Report
In compliance with the Clery Act, LIM College’s 2024 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report (with 2021, 2022, 2023 crime statistics included) provides information about crime statistics for the previous three years, institutional policies concerning campus conduct, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes and other security and safety information.
Applicants for enrollment or employment may also request a hard copy of this information by sending a written request for the Report to: LIM College Office of the Registrar, 216 East 45th Street, New York, NY 10017 or by calling (212) 752-1530 ext. 404.
Emergency Notification
In accordance with the Clery Act, LIM College will notify the campus community without delay upon the confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or staff on campus. Warnings may only be withheld if they would compromise efforts to contain the emergency.
Closings Due To Inclement Weather
The LIM College community is notified of closing due to bad weather in multiple ways. These include:
- An alert through the Everbridge LIM Alert system, which includes email, phone, and text messages.
- Beginning at 5:00 a.m., an updated voice mail message indicating the status of LIM College at the main phone number: (212) 752-1530.
- A message on all LIM College email accounts.
- A posting on the LIM College website home page.
- A listing on the radio on 880 WCBS AM, CBS television Channel 2 or on the WCBS website.
- A listing on 1010WINS AM on the radio or on the 1010WINS website.
Emergency Response Plan
LIM College maintains an Emergency Response Plan (ERP) for the purposes of implementing an all-hazards set of protocols to be used in the event an emergency situation directly impacts the College’s security and operational effectiveness.
The ERP provides an all-hazards and hazard-specific protocols for preparedness, response, and recovery before, during, and after an emergency situation. It also ensures the standardization and coordination of all LIM College emergency response operations through the utilization of the College’s personnel, resources, and core competencies, in compliance with applicable local, state, and federal regulations and laws.
Fire Drills
Fire drills are held regularly throughout the year at LIM's Maxwell Hall building (216 East 45th Street) and our Fifth Avenue building (545 5th Avenue).
First Aid Kits and Naloxone
LIM College maintains first aid kits in all three campus buildings. Inside these kits are supplies to treat minor injuries as well Naloxone (Narcan®). Naloxone is a lifesaving medication used to quickly reverse opioid overdoses. Thirty staff members and faculty who comprise the College’s Building Emergency Response Teams, as well as front desk access control staff, have been trained in the administration of Naloxone by the New York City Department of Health. Their offices are housed on all the floors LIM College occupies at Maxwell Hall and 545 Fifth Avenue. The professional residential staff at FOUND Study have also been trained to administer Naloxone.
For more information regarding opioids, such as heroin, prescription painkillers and fentanyl, as well as Naloxone, fentanyl test strips, and community treatment resources, please visit the NYC Dept. of Health website.
Fire Alarms & Response Fire Alarms & Response
The fire alarm consists of a loud whooping sound. At the sound of the alarm, remain quiet and listen for instructions. The designated fire warden on each floor will call the Fire Safety Director from the fire warden call box. An announcement will be made over the public announcement system notifying occupants of which exit to use when vacating the building.
Scenario One: Once the fire alarm sounds, the building Fire Safety Director will make an announcement through the public address system providing instructions. Staff, faculty and students will follow the instructions. In case there is no announcement made, the Fire Warden or Deputy Fire Warden should call the fire command station to be given instructions by the Fire Safety Director. In case of an evacuation, the Fire Safety Director will outline any special instructions.
Scenario Two: If there is a visible fire or smoke on the floor and the alarm did not sound, anyone can pull the fire alarm device located by the emergency exits. If at any point you feel unsafe or that your life is in danger in a heavy smoke situation, drop to the floor and move away from the heat and dense smoke to an exit. In a visible fire situation immediately move away from the fire to the nearest exit. Be sure to check the exit door for heat prior to opening it.
Fire Alarm Protocol
You should Locate & Review the Evacuation Maps on your floor and familiarize yourself with the closest evacuation route.
The signal to evacuate a building for a fire, fire drill, or other emergency is a series of rings on the building’s fire bells in the hallways accompanied by flashing lights. A voice may sound through all room speakers to advise of an emergency and the need to evacuate.
Evacuation of the facility is mandatory until the signal to re-enter has been given by appropriate personnel and the alarm bells have ceased ringing. The following procedures are to be followed any time a fire alarm sounds:
1. Once the fire alarm has sounded everyone must evacuate the building. While an RA and/or management staff may be present to help vacate the building, you should assist by knocking on your neighbor’s door to the left and right of you.
2. Leave the building in an orderly manner by means of the closest safe stairway or exit. DO NOT USE THE ELEVATORS.
3. Once outside the building, you must remain clear of doorways and at least 300 feet from the building. Remain clear of roadways, as well.
4. Professional staff must investigate and determine the cause of the alarm. Upon completion, students will be given an “all-clear” by emergency services and/or building staff to re-enter the building. If at any point throughout the semester you are unable to walk down the stairs, inform your RA and/or management staff immediately. Your RA and/or management staff will notify security and a log will be kept of who needs to be escorted down.
Anyone found in their room who had not evacuated during the sounding of the fire alarms will face disciplinary action.